Ivy's Next Litter is Coming Soon!
Ivy was bred on December 17 and her pregnancy has been confirmed! We are anticipating her puppies to be born around February 18. We are not taking any more deposits for Ivy‘s litter at this time.
Ruby's Next Litter is Coming!
Ruby was bred on December 30 and her pregnancy has been confirmed! We are anticipating her puppies to be born around March 3. We are not taking any more deposits for Ruby‘s litter at this time.
Jade's Next Litter Anticipated!
Jade's next litter is anticipated in the springtime.
Allie's Next Litter Anticipated!
Allie's next litter is anticipated in the springtime.

Aren't I cute?

I want to be held.

Please scratch my ears.

Can I chew on this stuff?
Delivery and Payment Information
We require a $500 nonrefundable deposit to hold your puppy. The remainder will be collected at the time you pick up your puppy. Deposits can be made by check to Susan Bechtold, 3041 Rhinestone Dr., Riverside IA 52327 OR Venmo to @Sue-Bechtold-1. Puppy choice is based on the order of deposits received. When picking up your puppy the remaining payment can be made through Venmo or Cash.
Puppy price is $2,600 (plus 7% Iowa Sales Tax for a total of $2,782) whether male or female, with no showing and breeding rights. If you would like breeding and showing rights, then the price is $4,000 (plus 7% Iowa Sales Tax for a total of $4,280) for male or female.
Puppy price is $2,600 (plus 7% Iowa Sales Tax for a total of $2,782) whether male or female, with no showing and breeding rights. If you would like breeding and showing rights, then the price is $4,000 (plus 7% Iowa Sales Tax for a total of $4,280) for male or female.
Breeding and Health Information
All of our puppies will have a one-year health guarantee along with initial worming and vaccinations. By the time our puppies are 8 weeks old, they will be well socialized around adults and kids, and be accustomed to indoor and outdoor sounds and loud noises. We desensitize our pups to things like leashes, music, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, kitchen noise, etc. We have experience with quite a few different brands of dog food and have concluded Life’s Abundance food is the best for the health of our dogs. You can order Life’s Abundance dog food however you wish or you can order it here: https://lifesabundance.com/riversidemd Your puppy will be AKC registered and we will give you papers in order for you to register them under your name.
Request Reservation and Information
Give us a call or send us a message using the form below.